Thursday, July 29, 2004


I was sent this email the other day from my dear friend Kathryn Conover... I thought it was very funny and true...

This is a quote from an email that my good friend Poobearme sent to me, and I'd like to thank him. It is this quote that has finally made my decision as to whom I'm going to rally for in the 2004 election. I cannot tell you how very proud I am of our President and the decisions he's made while in office. I think that every american should be proud of the Bush legacy and this quote is evidence of that. God bless America!

NEWSWEEK reports that President Bush, appearing before a right-to-life
rally in Tampa, Florida, on June 17, stated: "We must always remember
that all human beings begin life as a feces.  A feces is a living being
in the eyes of God, who has endowed that feces with all of the rights
and God-given blessings of any other human being."  The audience
listened in disbelief as the President repeated his error at least a
dozen times, before realizing that he had used the word "feces" when
he meant to say "fetus."

If this quote doesn't make it clear to every American of the choice for Presidency, then you're even more stupid than Bush himself. Dumb ass. If you vote for the bastard I think you should be put on the same boat to the Burmuda Triangle that he belongs on. And if you're gay and you vote for him, you should just plain be shot and hung in the town square, because you are an evil traitor to the gay world.

Thanks for giving me a moment of your time.

Hope you enjoyed that as much as i did... What a true DUMBASS!!! He's dumber than me and I'm a blonde...


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Today... voted best fashion power point presentation in Basic Computers...

just wanted to drop a quick line and say that i was awarded the best powerpoint presentation for a fashion student... i only had competition from one other person... cuz the rest of the people in the computer class are all interior designers... 

wish me luck with my Winter Petals collection tomorrow for my Fashion Illustration 2 class... its inspired by the 1920's, Pop Art & Gucci...



Monday, July 26, 2004


Whooo Hoooo!!! I got an A on my History of Fashion final!!!  and i only studied 15 minutes before the test...  Then after i finished, i went to the computer lab and got my power point presentation almost done for Wednesday... its been a very productive morning!!!  Now i just need to get my skirt cut out for flat pattern2 and then i will sew it up tomorrow in class...  wish me luck

will post more later...




WHEW!!!  This weekend has been a whirlwind and a tornado thrown together!!! lets see... spent friday doing the color on my final project for fashion two... and then worked from three til nine... then... on Saturday... i had to work from 8 til 2:30, then went home and begin a major hair removal process... So that the Blonde and Beautiful one herself... Me!, and went to IBT's... to watch a friend from school sing... He was a very good singer!!! And a VERY nice guy... very insightful and wise...  Two of my friends from school went with me... so they both got to see the blonde me for the very first time... LOL   Then... Sunday... I spent all day workin on my project!!!  I have everything done now except for the cover... i even went to kinkos and had it bound together!!! It looks really nice...  Its 20 original designs done by me... inspired by Gucci, 1920's and Pop Art!!!   so since Pop Art was involved... I had to throw in Marilyn since she was one of my pop art favourites by Andy Warhol.  Well its late and i need to get my stupid dairy air to bed...

ps... ive enclosed a pic from saturday nite... hope you like...


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Linda Rondstadt is my HERO!!!

Before she sang her encore Saturday nite at the Aladdin hotel-casino in Las Vegas, Tucson native,(and she still lives here) Linda Rondstadt called filmmaker Michael Moore a "great American patriot"  and "someone who is spreading the truth."    After saying this... she was booed off stage... Well if i had been there i would have gave her a standing ovation and Yelled... Amen Sista!!!!   Somebody take that idiot out of office and send him back to texas where i hear a village is missing their idiot!!!

Just say NO to BUSH in '04, lets get our country back to being a happy place to live, and lets get our TROOPS back here where they belong... they've been over there long enough... and no weapons of mass destruction have been found... whats up with that? Bad intelligence?  Hell they ought to give me a job... sounds like im overqualified!!!

love you all


Saturday, July 17, 2004


well i guess its been since last sunday so i guess i left a cliffhanger wondering if i was going to find another job...  well... after going to church last Sunday, the following monday i went to a call center and got hired!!! Whooo Hooo... so i will be doing political surveys over the tele... telephone that is...  I dont mind doing it... they are research studies... no selling involved... so you never know... if you hear someone calling you and asking if they can speak to someone 18 years of age or older who is a registered voter... It could be me!!! SO DONT HANG UP!!!!  BE NICE... LOL

Well need to get going... hope to post more soon

love ya lots


Monday, July 12, 2004

Spiritual Re-Awakenings

well... times have been down for me a bit... but i think that all things happen for reasons...  i got fired from my job at Papa Johns last thursday... Long story, if you want to hear it... give me a ring a ding ding ...  but the drama really set in with my mother on the telephone and her blaming my lifestyle choices for all the bad things that I was going thru...   So... to appease her... i went to a church on sunday afternoon... I think it was a penecostal church... i thought that it was the Gay church...   Well after going... last nite i went to pick up a friend so that he wouldnt have to ride his bike in the rain from work to home... well when i got in my car... my check engine light wasnt on... It has been on for at least the past 3 months straight...  And today it didnt come on either... and after school... i went and got another job... i do have to say the Lord works in mysterious ways...  i think that i will have to go back to church next week...  it certainly couldnt hurt...

well thats all for now, remember to explore your spiritality... it can do wonders for you...



Sunday, July 4, 2004

O L I V I A newton-john: Many things coming this fall...

I have been a fan of Olivia Newton-John since i was a small child... I remember the cover of her Clearly Love album... she was in a pool of water... the picture only showing shoulders up to top of head... her hair was pulled up... and I thought that it was the Bionic Woman (Lindsey Wagner).  LOL.  My mother had to explain to me that was not Lindsey Wagner... It was Olivia Newton-John...  I was in love... and as I grew, I discovered not only was Olivia was not only beautiful on the outside, but her personality just beamed "What a lovely person"... maybe thats why some call her 'Lovely Livvy'.

My dear friend has bought me a FRONT ROW TICKET!!! to see Olivia in Tucson!!!  I can't wait... Im so excited...    BUT... not only do I have to wait for the concert, but she has some other exciting irons in the fire that are about to see their way to release this fall...   1. a long awaited BOX SET!!!! celebrating 30+ year career. 2. A new Album... has been produced by the famous Phil Ramone, is an album of covers including songs by Joan Baez, Karen Carpenter, and Dionne Warwick! The album is actually to be released in Austrailia in September or October in Austrailia, and then probably a later american release date... But I'll be ordering mine from CDnow so i will have it when its released!!! 3. rumblings of another album done with her nephew Brett Goldsmith... who produced the fabulous "Best of My Love" a little dance ditty that i think could put Ms. Newton-John back on the top of the charts here in America where she deserves to be... Move over Britney!!!  

Olivia's last release...simply titled (2) was an album of all new duets with various people including... Keith Urban, Darren Hayes(from Savage Garden), Tina Arena, Human Nature, Billy Thorpe, David Campbell, Richard Marx, Michael McDonald + others...   Olivia began her career in the 60's in Austrailia as a teen, then had her first hit in 1971 with the song If not for you... a song written by Bob Dylan. Her career soared thru the seventies, as she sang country-pop long before Shania Twain...  then with the release of Grease... Olivia was beginning to take a turn to a more sultry side as Sandy 2 emerged in Grease clad into Black pants she had to be sewn into for the final scene with John Travolta!!! and the release of the album Totally Hot... 1980 was the release of Xanadu... althought it flopped... I still love it.... just watched it a week ago at my friends house while takin care of her Kitty...  then 1981 Olivia had the biggest hit of her career with the release of Physical...  In 1983 she had another movie with John Travolta... Two of a Kind, which spawned the top 5 hit Twist of Fate...   During this time... Madonna was writhling her way to the top so in 1985, management tarted up Olivia's act with the release of the album Soul Kiss...  The video for the title track wasnt as sexy as the director actually wanted because Olivia was pregnant...  The album, one of my very favourites, was quite steamy for the time, the title track had her wailing " somewhere there is a heart thats waiting to take a ride on your Soul Kiss...  it was ahead of its time... tune in for pt 2 on olivia's career in my blog... SOON!!!

love Constance

Friday, July 2, 2004


Whew... its been so long since I'v had time to sit down and blog... but i do have a good excuse...   for the past two weeks ive been taking care of my friends kitty while she was away on vacation with her girlfriend, and alas, they didnt have aol...

My reward for takin care of the Kitty?   A ticket... section 102 seat number two... Im setting in the front Row baby!!!  To see O L I V I A newton-john at the Desert Diamond Casino in September here in Tucson Arizona!!!!  Im so EXCITED



ill try to blog more regularly again...