well being more topical than ever... hurricane rita and hidden fees are on my mind... first i have been seeing footage of hurricane rita and things are looking bad... i hope all the good people of texas make it away safely... my prayers are with them...
on another subject... hidden fees... im sitting here typing as i hear my friend talking to an operator for cricket customer service... LOL i am agasped to hear of the hidden fees and charges they will just pop you with... and they try to sneak it by without telling you... watch out and know what your buying... LOL
and on a last note... i had a pretty good visit to missery, it was nice to see the family... and the wedding was beautiful... and i had time to spend some quality time with two of my very dear friends from my missery days... i thank you so much Anitra for coming to be my knight in shining armour... LOL you helped me make a getaway to Columbia... Bless you my darling... And my dear Jane Doe, my loving baby gurl... momma loves you and loved seeing you as well...
sounds like my friend had a good phone representitive... he gave her an accomodation to her manager... he was so nice to do this... i should know... im working somewhere having america callin me... and i just want to say it is my personal business to make each and every customer have a good experience...
well ive been on here for awhile... it wasnt as easy to type and definately not easy to think right now... but i did my best...
oh in more news... check out the www.Madonna.com website... there is a picture of her new masterpiece to be released on November 15th... the cover ART!!! plus a complete track listing!!! check it out and let me know what you think!!! I think its HOT... Do you aprove of her new hair color? I love the bold beautiful colors that are being used on this cover... a much lighter note than American Life!!! Unappologetic dance music is what its being called...
love ya lots