my friend just called and i went out and experienced a first for me... there was a rainbow around the sun... im going to go and smoke a cigarette and admire it and ill come back at ya and tell you more about it... what wonderment does that bring to an imaginitive mind? could it be a sign? could the prophecies be coming true?brb
Rainbows Around the Sun
if their can be rainbows around the sun,
shouldn't there be love for everyone
if i could make only one dream come true
I'd want to share my life with you
if the fates are cruel and unkind
or maybe it wasn't our time....
just know you'll never leave my mind
in my heart it will be true
All the love i felt for you...
Rainbows Around the Sun
Our love had only just begun...
But you couldn't let it be true...
for fear of what society would do to you....
When I think about you I always smile
I know you loved me,
to not admit that, you would be in denial...
but if there can be Rainbows Around the Sun...
and rings around the moon...
my heart can empty all the despair...
to find love filling the air...
without any regrets or cares...
Rainbows around the Sun...
get out and have some fun
(this poem is dedicated to the BIG D... you are the man!!!)
all my love... Constance