just wanted to do a blog real quickly, hoping that it will make it stand out in my mind that tonite there will be the season premiere of Desperate Housewives... i have loved that show since every since i first seen Jesse Metcalfe jumping out a window so Mr. Solice didnt catch him having an affair with his wife... Jesse is returning to the show this season... He first caught my eye as a major hottie when he was Miguel on Passions... they have a new hot Miguel on Passions now, but i still think Jesse is the hottest...
now for my review of Grace and Gratitude... its a beautiful cd, that is very lush, and i have to say that when ever i listen to it i feel a little more spiritual... the songs are inspriational, and the album inside tells about the 7 chakras in the body... ill actually post more about this as i figure out...wish me luck... but Olivia's voice is so angelic in this album, it could heal anyone... and it is a healing cd... i guess they are a big thing now... and i have to say that ive heard of healing cd's but never spent the money on them... but i have to say that this CD is truly amazing... its available at a Walgreens near you... my favourite songs on the CD are Learn to Love Yourself... Let Go Let God and Insturment of Peace... in total there are 20 tracks on the CD, all of the odd numbered songs are instumentals and all of the even tracks are complete with Olivia's beautiful voice... in the song Let Go Let God-- the song is also complete with the Buddhists' chant... it believes in a higher power, whether it be God or some other form of spiritual entity, and the power of the mind can cure the body... this CD is a work of love from Olivia... thank you for sharing it with us... i totally feal at peace from listening to this CD... check it out...
remember... the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, so if you dont want to stain your skirt, do it on this side!!!
Love & Light