Tuesday, January 23, 2007
so mad i could spit
my view of the State of the Union
the village idiot has escaped and he's giving a speach tonite
well, the title pretty much says it all, tonite is that state of the union speach... im ready to roll my eyes as the stupidity rolls from his mouth like diahrehea squirting out of a sh*thole... how could everyone who voted for the idiot live with themselves...? and all of the dear troops that are over fighting for our freedom in a war that should have never been started... and all the lives that we have lost so far that just keep adding up... when will this madness end? when will someone get some sense and have him court marshalled and taken care of the same way they took care of Saddam... im sure we could sell tickets for the event and maybe start paying off this trillion dollar war? then we could sell it on DVD as well... that would raise more money... and im sure its a video that we could sell around the world... and the voice over music could be DING DONG THE DICK IS DEAD (to the tune of ding dong the witch is dead) i have to say i will always support the troops because they are just doing what they are told... but as for the idiot pulling the strings... ITMFA!!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
ok ok... so its been awhile since i posted...
just wanted to post a blog in here... i realize its been a long time... i have to say that this blog isnt near as fun as the one that i have on blogspot... be sure and check it out... thats www.thruthepurplehaze.blogspot.com on there i can be as raunchy as i want to be... find you hot men with body fluids shooting everywhere... whereas here i got to keep it clean... whether its naughty or nice... its all me... all rolled up into one... so be sure and check out the link above, and see the video treasures i have posted... now if i can get used to blogging in it every day... who knows... it may become the favourite journal of 2007, what an honour it would be to be award winning like www.dudetube.blogspot.com stranger things have happened
love you lots