The colorful and not quite right Hattie Adams returned thanks to John, and Stephano's old service man... Bart... But Hattie claims that she is innocent and didn't kill anybody... so that leads the trail right back to Marlena... whom last week was visited by a priest while in the hospital... she was unconcious while he was there, and he put holy water on her head... well after the Priest left... Marlena's hand rose up to her forhead as if to wipe the holy water off... So I think that some dark force still has her in their clutches because she was never properly had the devil taken out of her before because John, as it is to find out... was never really a priest... and never ordained... Looks like Dark Forces will be at play in Salem... stay tuned...
Connie, have you seen the ads for the movie "Connie and Carla". It's about 2 women who witness a murder and pose as drag queen so not to be discovered. Are you going to go see it?
I didnt know that there was a murder... but i seen the previews and thought that Connie and Carla looked like it might be pretty cute... so I would have to say that it will be a must see on this Blonde's list... isnt she the one who wrote my big fat greek wedding? Wish I could go see it with you...
The other girl is from "Muriel's Wedding". I wish I could see it with you also. Have you seen any celebrities out there? I read that some stars vacation there.
You know MRS. Whitney "Its not white, but its cocaine. Im gonna take it away" Houston was here.
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