ok... first, i always apologize when ive been gone for awhiles... well, im not gonna do that because as they say... gno gnews is good gnews, with gary gnew... LOL
today is the first day of febuary, 2008... what have I been up to?
* on December 22nd, 2007five thirty am, maybe six am...i smoked two cigarettes at the airport before getting in line to begin my journey home for the holidays... yeah i hadnt been home in two christmas's... i survived but it was nice to go home and have a beautiful white Christmas with family... i didnt get to see any of my friends, partly due to the weather, partly due to... well lets not point fingers, whats done is done... im going to try to understand the meaning of the song, Have You Never Been Mellow? by lovely Livvy... oh, back to the pointe... so it is now feb 1st 2008 and i have not had a cigarette since that morning... aren't ya proud of me? I am... so now my next feat... is to get back my girlish figure...
**today... i get to see the movie I had a part in... where i played a character who was described as the whore of cincinatti... they wanted either a woman or transvestitte, busty and overweight for the part... now is that typecasting or what? LOL anyhow... as history tells us... i got the part... so now here i am... awaiting to go and see the movie tonite... im getting so exited!!! thinking about it... hope i look fabulous...
i know ive probably ommited a lot from there... i think last year drained the life right out of me with the passin of my girl... Anna Nicole Smith... it just kinda rocked this gurl's world... we both started off in 1992... although you managed to reach Superstar status, and im just sittin here bloggin... but hey... its 2008... 8 is my favourite number... ten years ago, i got it all together... LOL well... not really but I looked Good!!! LOL
yes... some might want to call me the Britney of the Drag World... minus the paparrazi... LOL i love Britney and I hope she gets the help that she needs... i want to be optimistic in 2008... oh... and not only now do i have one myspace page, I have three... one of them is devoted to Lil Connie... check it out... www.myspace.com/lilconnie_dramaqueen
so between all those, and a spotty posting history on www.thruthepurplehaze.blogspot.com i have trouble keeping up with this one... i wish i could make this as streamlined as the blogspot one.... thats my one complaint about this, i like that they have added video to this... but lets update the look too please...
oh and also wanted to post that months ago, i told friends that John Black was Colleen Brady and Santo Dimera's love child on Days Of Our Lives and today... that very secret was revealed in the new issue of Soap Opera Digest... I knew it... John is part Brady, part DiMera...
gotta jump in the shower... wishing you the best of my love