Monday, March 28, 2005

Happy Monday

well just thought that i would blog to be blogging.... LOL i actually wanted to share one of the pictures that i did on photoshop...  Hope you like...  hope everyone had a happy Easter...  Mine wasnt to eventful... no one bought me any easter candy so i had to go out and buy me some chocolate... you are supposed to eat chocolate on easter right?  or was it spinach?  I forget... LOL 

well a happy monday out to ya'll... hope to hear back from you soon...

Love and Light


Saturday, March 26, 2005

lost in time

well now that the fashion show is over... i have been lost in time... yes i am still in school but it just feels strange not having all that to worry about for the fashion show...     guess i need to start focusing on these next eight more weeks... and then school will be finished... it sucks though... after i finish... graduation wont be until august or september cuz the school only has them twice a year...  oh well... cant have everything...

hope life finds everyone well... and happy and looking forward to the future... the furthest i can hope for right now is seven pm tonite cuz thats when i get Off!!!  (Work that is... you must think im nasty or something) I CAN BE!!!  LOL...  there is alot of complexities to me...  just like Farrah Fawcett!!!  Who now has her own reality show on TV Land... its fun and its fabulous... you should check it out... its on wednesday nites at some time... check your local listings... the show is called Chasing Farrah...  the first nite they had two episodes...  And Ryan O'Neal is still very much a part of Farrah's life...  i missed most of the first episode... but got to see the second episode... her theme music is the song BITCH... you know the one where she sings... IM A BITCH, IM A TEASE... IM A GODDESS ON MY KNEES... YOU KNOW YOU WOULDN'T WANT IT ANY OTHER WAY...  That song describes me as well... im a little bit of everything... all rolled into one...

HEY... WHAT CAN I SAY... TO KNOW ME IS TO KNOW ITS VERY MUCH TRUE...    For the picture of the post... im including a model wearing one of my designs for the fashion show!  isnt it gorgeous...  this dress was also put onto my other webpage that i sent out to many... (its always good to share... thats why you should always send me stuff and share it with me... id love to hear what your up too...

sending out all my love


Friday, March 18, 2005

all afternoon and its finally done

well... i have to report that i have finally gotten some pictures posted onto a webpage... to share my designs that finally saw their light of day at the runway show at the hotel congress on tuesday nite. im tired of being on the computer because it took for ever... but i did make it on a link in my favourite sites if you would like to check it out.

love and light

Constance... let me know what you think of my fashions... pretty pretty please

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Just wanted to let you all know that my stomach is tied in knots waiting for this fashion show to be over!!!!!!!  I can't wait... but it should go smoothly... but even if not... hey our grades are already turned in!!!  Whooooo HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!  i have to report that for the second semester straight i have managed to pull off the FABULOUS 4.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?  I never thought that it would happen to me... Im just not book smart!!!    hope your day is going well... and wish me luck... ill write back tomorrow and let you know how everything went... and hopefully soon i will have some pictures from the fashion show   love you all   Constance

Saturday, March 12, 2005

newest blog...

whew... this has been a crazy semester... alot has happened since my last blog...  as you may know... i have been in my fifth semester of school... last semester i got on the Deans List with a 4.0!!!   Well this semester... i might have the same GPA... we'll see...  lets see why has it all been so crazy? well to make a long story short... ive been getting ready for the fashion show that comes up this next tuesday... after that i should have some pictures from the show...  i will have ten garments for the fashion show... its a Tucson Design College first... their first ever fashion show... from the graduating class... and the class of two... me and leondra... love her... she is fabulous... and i have went thru the loss of my friend out here... Oh... he didnt die... he Lied... basically i think that he is just a habitual liar that doesnt know any better... i even found out that pictures that he claims to have taken weren't taken by him at all... LOL... thats why im listening now to Madonna's Bye Bye Baby... (it fits so well... dont worry about me... i didnt loose any tears... he was the one that "F*%d it  up!) Back to Madonna, along with another song called waiting... i love the opening to the song... you should check it out... i consider it one of the oldies but goodies... i loved the whole album of Erotica...  but what is up with these Versace adds?  her head looks entirely to big for her body in one picture that i seen... is it supposed to be that way or does she need to fire the stylist?  I love Madonna to death... don't get me wrong... but whoever was in charge of the shoot should just be fired... LOL just my opinion as an american

well gotta run for now...

Love and Light
