just wanted to start off saying if you check out thru the purple haze pt 2 i have posted some fabulous finds that i have found on YouTube of some favourite things... including new work from Julie Brown featuring a wonderful new song entitled... I want to be Gay!!! check it out its hilarious... the website again is www.thruthepurplehaze.blogspot.com
now before i begin the story again... i really should go back and read what i wrote before to know where to continue from... 
so the story continues...
i do not remember much from the time that i was born until the time that i was little... i think that most people could relate to that statement... its not like i can pull a certain full memory out from that part... now looking thru a picture book seems like it can easily open up memories from the past, but when im eating my birthday cake when i was one and had it all over my face? It really seems like from the picture i was having a really good ol time with that birthday cake... but it doesnt cause any flashes of memories to come flooding to me...
i always loved looking thru the photo albums growing up... looking at pictures from the past, seeing how young someone once was... to be able to try to put yourself into their shoes, to try to understand what their world could have been like... what molded them... what programmed them with their values,... and what values did they try to pass on to me? i know the strongest value that i have learned from all of my family is Love... i do remember that there was so much love around me...
the photos cannot lie... i had the biggest blue eyes full of innocence, and the longest eyelashes... and a full head of luxurious blonde hair... i was the belle of the ball... i would sing and dance to twinkle twinkle little star... and wail the hell out of Delta Dawn... a song made famous by i think she was then 14 years old Tanya Tucker... Whats that flower you had on? did you say it was a mancion in the sky?
i remember that my mum hadto work alot and when i was very young i was taken care of by my Grandma, her mother, which would make that my Great Grandmother, and my Grandma's sister, my Aunt Ruthie... i remember when i was a very young child going to my Aunt Ruthie's house... the walls in the house were like a fabulous blue green on brick, it was a very interesting house... i can remember spending alot of time there... i really loved playing with Aunt Ruthie's beautiful Jewelry, I loved it... and she had these wonderful beads that i could snap together and make a really big necklace... i loved to wear it and feel pretty... the only problem with that fact, and not saying that feeling pretty is wrong, that i was a little boy...
Little boys are not supposed to want to be little girls... but at that time it was a mystery as to what made us different... and what i had to accept that i wasnt... which could lead to who i am today... but that is only further psychoanalyzation made on my part and im not a doctor or anything believe me... if you've read this far you might even have realized that i do not have a PHD and im not a psychic or anything... just another random confused individual living on this lovely rock called earth...
Anyway...i also remember going to my Great Grandma's when i was very young... i would sing and talk into the tape recorder, different things that came to my mind, i have some copies of this saved onto a cd... its pretty interesting... i loved my Great Grandma so much... she owned a hotel... it was her huge house that had been built by her husband a long time ago... made from rock, and then there were six "cabins" and then two houses at the end... she would rent them out to passer by's in the area... i also remember being at my Great Grandma's and listening to the radio with her, as she would listen to the morning radio personality... Ted Bee... believe thats how you spell it... from what i hear, thirtysome years later, Ted still has his radio program... wow... he has quite a following in the little town of Boonville and New Franklin...
Pringles and Ovaltene? dont know how you spell it... but those were some of the things that i remember loving as a child... my Great Grandma would always have these things... plus, she would make me some wonderful custardto drink... i would love to have some of that custard now... But onto my Great Grandma's wonderful daughter... the woman that was truly my best friend... My Grandma Allie... she was a truly a beautiful woman with a very big heart, someone whos presence in my life i truly miss... but that is a long way coming in my story, and she loved me more than anything...
to be continued